• Books Read in 2022

    I think people take a few different approaches to reading: they don’t read unless have too; reads limited amount of books but does so deeply; reads to reach a goal; or just reads with no particular goal. The later was me in 2022, thought I did set a goal on my Goodreads account, I didn’t…

  • Making sense

    Let’s be honest with each other… sometimes some things simply don’t make sense. Like Christmas sweaters, not taking a vacation, putting salt in your dishwasher, or odd socks. I could go on… and perhaps you have already thought of something yourself. I am from Australia, and the last thing I thought about for my first…

  • If you’re a parent, you’re not alone!

    What I am not is a perfect parent, but what I aim is to be is learning parent.

  • Books read in 2021

    This is a summary of the books I read in 2021 and little bit about them.

    Books read in 2021
  • Another topsy-turvy year

    2021 has turned out to be another topsy-turvy year. As we head to the close of the year, I am curious about what goals did you set yourself at the beginning of the year and what you have achieved? I had a few goals that have been unceremoniously discarded as the year has gone on,…

  • Great Opportunity

    There is a lot of noise around “the great resignation“, and I like that many have reframed it as “the great opportunity“. What can employees do? Personally, I think it is the great opportunity for employees to… talk about job crafting a new role discuss development options confirm you’re aiming for the best KPIs, OKRs,…

  • Distorted Reality

    Generally understood as a medical condition of Psychosis, distorted reality can affect the workplace as well individuals. With the future of work being remote (work from home, work from anywhere), hybrid (combination of remote and office-based) and very flexible, we need to be aware of a kind of ‘workplace psychosis’ as we no longer work…

    Distorted Reality
  • Books read in 2020

    The goal was to read 20 books in 2020. Seems cheesy but I knew it would be worth it! Below are the books I read listed in the month they were read. I have included the title, subtitle, author’s name, and year of publication. Finally, with some reservation, I have left a star rating ⭐️ Book…

  • Organisational Transparency

    I firmly believe that organisational transparency doesn’t remove confidentiality. But in fact, when transparency is done well, it strengthens confidentiality, ensures we are clear about what we share, and helps determine what we don’t share. It also creates clear checkpoints at every level of the organisation before we share information publically. An organisation pursuing to have a culture of transparency…

  • Machines and humans; who am I working with?

    There are two increasing narratives screaming for your attention in the HR sphere: Technology is replacing people in workplaces and that employees are human 😲 But the myths being purported is that these are new phenomenons we are grappling with is ardently not true. They have simply found a new voice, or voices, in 2020.…